Amphibians can be found in the floodplain of the Ili river in permanent reservoirs with stagnant water that form and replenish the water supply during spring floods, as well as in temporary reservoirs and springs.
Amphibians in the Altyn-Emel National Park are represented by 5 species, 3 of them are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan (marked with an asterisk).

Siberian salamander* – Ranodon sibiricus. It is found in small mountain rivers or streams with a muddy bottom at altitudes of 1800-2200 m. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a species with a diminishing range and number, as well as in the IUCN Red List as an endangered species.

Pevtsov's Toad, Central Asian Toad* – Bufotes pewzowi. Inhabits various places of deserts and semi-deserts. In the breeding season, it is found at the floods of artesian wells, large puddles and other stagnant water sources. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a poorly studied species.

Central Asian Frog* – Rana asiatica. It is found in the eastern end of the Kapchagai reservoir. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a species with a diminishing range and number.

Lake Frog – Pelophylax ridibundus. It is found in stagnant bodies of water formed by flowing wells, as well as along the Ili river.

Green Toad – Bufotes viridis. It is found in various places of semi-deserts, in the breeding season is concentrated near artesian wells and other water sources.