Unknown Altyn-Emel Tours


Altyn-Emel occupies a huge territory, more than 300 thousand hectares. In addition to specially protected areas and well-known tourist routes, Altyn-Emel has other natural places that are practically unknown to most tourists.

We offer you several routes to some out-of-the-way places. Go off the beaten track to discover unknown Altyn-Emel.

Arba Travel

Arba Travel offers original tours in the Altyn-Emel National Park.

Altyn-Emel Mountains

If you like to go off the beaten tourist patch, we offer you an original tour to the picturesque Birch Gorge of Kaindy in the Altyn-Emel mountain range >>>

Altyn-Emel Tours

Want to recharge yourself with the energy of ancient nomads? Go to the place of power in the mountains of Dzhungarian Alatau - to the healing springs of Naizatapkan >>>

Arba Travel

Your Guide to Altyn-Emel National Park

© 2021-2025, Arba Travel

IZI Travel

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