Altyn-Emel is not only a desert and singing dunes. It is also the majestic Dzhungarian mountains.
Dzhungarian Alatau frames the Altyn-Emel National Park from the north and west and forms a separate ecosystem, distinct from the desert zone.
This is a part of the Koyandytau ridge, the Altyn-Emel ridge and the Matai, Degeres and Sholak ranges (from east to west, with a gradual decrease in height).

There are many mountain gorges with lush greenery and cool mountain rivers. Their Kazakh names indicate the predominance of a particular vegetation or habitat of a certain animal species - Zhideli ("Eleagnus"), Taldy ("Willows"), Itmuryn ("Rosehip"), Dolanaly ("Hawthorn"), Terekty ("Poplar"), Tulkili ("Fox"), and one of the largest ridges of Dzhungarian Alatau is called Koyandytau, "Hare Mountains".
The northeastern border of the tolai hare and the southeastern border of the mountain hare run along the Altyn-Emel ridge. Their ranges do not touch each other. Between them there is a strip up to 10 km wide, where both species are absent.
The steppe tolai hare lives to the south, and the mountain hare lives to the north.
Tolai, the steppe hare, the sand hare - Lepus tolai.
It inhabits almost the entire steppe and desert territory of the national park. It is found in the Ili river valley in tugai thickets, as well as in the semi-desert, in salt tree thickets and saxaul bushes.
Mountain hare - Lepus timidus.
It is found in the mid-mountains and highlands of Matai, Altyn-Emel and Koyandytau ("Hare Mountains"), in spruce and deciduous forests.

We suggest you explore one of these gorges - Kaindy, or Birch Gorge. The mountain river of the same name flows here. Here grow the Tien Shan birch, juniper, barberry, rosehips. The gorge is inhabited by many animals and especially birds (chukar, hoopoe, Turkestan shrike, etc.). A wonderful view of the valley opens up from the path in the gorge.
There are about a hundred species of birch in the world. In the mountains of Kazakhstan grows the Tien Shan birch, a tree with pinkish-peach bark that peels off into thin parchment-like sheets.
Tien Shan birch - Betula tianschanica.
Pink birch grows along the banks of mountain rivers and in damp hollows of mountain slopes.
By the way, many birch groves of the Dzhungarian and Zaili Alatau mountains (other species) are mostly planted artificially, this can be determined by the density and symmetry of the planting. Single trees grow naturally.
Of course, there are also natural birch groves. Perhaps the most famous of them is "Dancing Birches", which grows in the Burabai National Park in northern Kazakhstan.
Birch occupied an important place in the ancient mythology of many peoples - Slavs, Finno-Ugrians, Germans, Celts, etc. It was also revered by the Turks. In Tengrianism, the goddess of fertility, patroness of women and children Umai descends to the earth, leaning on two birches. Birch was considered a symbolic tree, a milk mother, protector and healer.
Back in the 11th century, Mahmud Kashgari, a philologist from the Turkic state of Karakhanid, drew attention to the similarity of the words meaning birch in the Kazakh language ("kaiyn" - "birch") and relatives on the wife's side ("kaiyng zhurt"). The energy of birch has a prominent "feminine" nature, the Kazakhs attributed to it the functions of a talisman and a sacred feminine principle, it can "tune" to a person, free from sick, heavy energy.
Birch was often used to make the central pole (bakan) for raising the dome of the yurt (shanyrak), which was considered an important ritual.

We will drive by Pinzgauer car through the foothill valley to the Altyn-Emel mountain range. You can take a quad bike and ride with the wind across the steppe. Caravans of the Great Silk Road (2nd century BC - 15th century AD) passed through these places since ancient times. Little has changed here since then. Then we will climb up to the Kaindy mountain gorge.
Tour duration: 3-4 hours.
Distance: about 40 km drive and about 2 km walk if desired.
Car: Pinzgauer offroader (4-6 seats), one all-wheel drive 2-seater quad bike X8 Terralander.
Tour price: KZT 70000 (plus KZT 30000 when using the quad bike).

Pinzgauer, the Swiss army knife of off-road vehicles
Learn more about this iconic car in the interview with Dr. Egon Rudolph.

X8 Terralander ATV, the CF MOTO leade
A high-class ATV for off-road tours, with a recognizable "faceted" design and increased comfort of the dual seat.

Discover the unknown Altyn-Emel!
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