The Altyn-Emel National Park, being a specially protected natural area, plays an important role in preserving the gene pool of rare plants, 31 of which are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan:
1. Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk*
2. Тulipa alberti Regel*
3. Тulipa kolpakovskiana Regel*
4. Тulipa brachystemon Regel*
5. Populus pruinosa Schrenk*
6. Celtis caucasica Willd.*
7. Rheum wittrockii Lundstr.*
8. Silene muslimii N. Pavl.*
9. Paeonia hybrida Pall.*
10. Aquilegia vitalii Gamajun.*
11. Hepatica falconeri (Thoms) Steward*
12. Gymnospermium altaicum (Pall.) Spach.*
13. Berberis iliensis M. Pop.*
14. Stroganovia sagittata Kar. Et Kir.*
15. Rhodiola rosea L.*
16. Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) M. Roem.*
17. Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.*
18. Chesneya dshungarica Golosk.*
19. Astragalus dshimensis Gontsch.*
20. Haplophyllum dshungaricum Rubtz.*
21. Prangos herderi (Regel) Herrnst. et Heyn.*
22. Silaus saxatilis Bajt.*
23. Pilopleura goloskokovii (Korov.) M. Pimen.*
24. Ferula iliensis Krasn. ex Korov.*
25. Limonium michelsonii Lincz.*
26. Lepechiniella michaelis Golosk.*
27. Lonicera iliensis Pojark.*
28. Asterothamnus fruticosus (Wikl.) Novopokr.*
29. Plagyobasis centauroides Schrenk*
30. Iridodictyum kolpakowskianum (Regel) Rodionenko*
31. Сrocus alatavicus Regel et Semen.*

Kolpakovsky's Iridodictium* - Iridodictyum kolpakowskianum (Regel) Rodionenko. It is named by botanist Eduard Regel in honor of Gherasim Kolpakovsky, the first Governor-General of Semirechye. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a species with a diminishing range and number.

Alatau Crocus* - Сrocus alatavicus Regel et Semen. A spring ephemeroid. It grows in steppes and loess foothills. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Kolpakovsky's Tulip* - Тulipa kolpakowskiana Regel. It grows in steppes and bushes. Named by botanist Eduard Regel in honor of Gherasim Kolpakovsky, the first Governor-General of Semirechye. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Albert's Tulip* - Тulipa alberti Regel. It grows on stony slopes of low mountains and in stony foothill deserts. Described by the botanist Eduard Regel based on the samples collected in the Karatau mountains by his son Albert Regel. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Wild (Common) Apricot* - Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. It grows on rocky slopes and in deciduous forests, and is culitvated in the gardens of Semirechye. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan as a species with a diminishing range and number.

Caucasian Nettle-Tree, Ironwood* - Celtis caucasica Willd. It grows on rocky slopes and in the valleys of the Sholak and Degeres mountains. Its heavy and hard wood is durable, sinks in water and does not rot, in the past it was used for wheels of carts and tools. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Glaucous-Leaved Poplar, Asiatic Poplar, Turanga* - Populus pruinosa Schrenk. It grows along the banks of rivers and oxbows, forms riparian forests and woodlands. One of the dominant landscape plants in the Ili River Valley. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.
There are also relict plants that survived the Ice Age in the Altyn-Emel National Park. These are Astragalus dshimensis, Ferula iliensis and Turanga, the landscape tree of the national park.

Jim Astragalus* - Astragalus dshimensis Gontsch. It grows on rocky slopes and in gorges, at an altitude of 1000-1400 m above sea level. Understudied rare relict. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Ili Ferula, Ilan* - Ferula iliensis Krasn. ex Korov. It is widely used for medicinal purposes by the local population. The relict is threatened with extinction due to the limited and diffuse distribution and small population. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.