According to the results of entomological studies in 2009-2011, 1474 species of insects from 7 orders, 52 families, 535 genera were identified on the territory of the Altyn-Emel National Park. This number of species is not final. The predicted number of insects inhabiting this vast area can be estimated at 3-4 thousand species.

Altyn-Emel Insects
Altyn-Emel Insects
Altyn-Emel Insects
Altyn-Emel Insects
Altyn-Emel Insects
Altyn-Emel Insects

When you visit Altyn-Emel, please beware of dangerous insects of steppes and deserts, such as karakurt spiders, camel spiders, scorpions, and ticks.

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Arba Travel

Your Guide to Altyn-Emel National Park

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