In the Altyn-Emel National Park, there are more than 60 species of endemic plants which are found only in Altyn-Emel and adjacent areas. Many of them are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan being rare and endangered species (marked with an asterisk).

Ili Barberry* - Berberis iliensis M. Pop. It grows on clay and saline soils, on sands, among riparian vegetation. Endemic to the Ili river valley. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Vitaliy's Columbine* - Aquilegia vitalii Gamajun. It grows in rocks cracks and talus of mountain river canyons. Rare endemic to Dzhungarian Alatau. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Pale-Colored Fritillary* - Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk. It grows in mountain meadows and rocks. Endemic to the Dzhungar-Tarbagatai mountain region, very rare. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Ili Honeysuckle* - Lonicera iliensis Pojark. It grows in the valley of the Ili river among riparian vegetation. Endemic to the Ili basin. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Short-stamen Tulip* - Tulipa brachystemon Regel. It grows on gravelly slopes, in steppes, in mountain meadows and in thickets of steppe bushes. Endemic to Dzhungarian Alatau. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Dzhungarian Chesneya* - Chesneya dshungarica Golosk. It grows on southern rocky slopes, variegated rocks, and on the alluvial cones of the piedmont ravines. A rare endemic plant. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Rock Silaum* - Silaum saxatilis Bajt. It grows along the cracks of the rocks. Endemic to Dzhungarian Alatau. A very rare plant. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Ivashchenko's Tulip - Tulipa ivasczenkoae Epikt. et Belyalov. A narrow-range endemic plant of the Sholak mountains. The population needs control. Planned to be listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.
On the territory of the Altyn-Emel park, there are also more well-known and broad-range endemic plants.

Przewalski's Ephedra - Ерhedra przewalskii Stapf. Endemic to Central Asia. It grows on sands, pebble-sandy foothill plains, dry watercourses, on rocky slopes of hills and foothills. Forms communities on the outskirts of the Singing Dune.

Sievers's Apple, Asian Wild Apple, Almaty Apple* - Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) M. Roem. Endemic to Zaili Alatau and Dzhungarian Alatau. It is considered to be the progenitor of all modern cultivated apple varieties. Grows in mountain gorges, forests and shrubs, sometimes forms independent plantations. Listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Black Saxaul - Наloxylon арhyllum (Minkw.) Iljin. It grows in saline depressions and hollows, on the outskirts of takyrs, and forms sparse stands. Like White Saxaul (Наloxylon persicum Bunge ex Boiss. et Buhse), it is under the protection of the national park.
Some well-known endemic plants (turanga, Schrenk's spruce, Tien Shan cherry) are landscape plants of the Altyn-Emel park, and also belong to the category of rare and endangered plant species (Caucasian nettle-tree, wild apricot, Albert's tulip, etc.).