One of the little-known places in Altyn-Emel is the healing springs of Naizatapkan in the mountain gorge of the same name in Dzhungarian Alatau.
The Naizatapkan mineral complex consists of 10-12 springs at a distance of about 1-3 meters from each other, emerging from gray biotite granite rocks. The average water flow is 5-6 l/min, the temperature fluctuates between 16-21°C.
According to the results of the analysis of water samples, the Naizatapkan spring belongs to the group of mineral waters of hydrocarbonate-sulphate-calcium-sodium composition in terms of the content of active balneological components dissolved in it and its medicinal value.
No. | Parameters | Naizatapkan |
1 | Flavour, intensity | 0 |
2 | Transparency | 30 |
3 | pH | 8.97 |
4 | Solid residues, mg/dm3 | 325 |
5 | Hardness, mmol/dm3 | 1.3 |
6 | Particulate matter, mg/dm3 | 97 |
7 | Alcalinity, mole/dm3 | 1.0 |
8 | Calcium, mg/dm3 | 20 |
9 | Magnesium, mg/dm3 | 4.0 |
10 | Ferrum, mg/dm3 | 0.022 |
11 | Sodium + potassium, mg/dm3 | 102.5 |
12 | Chlorides, mg/dm3 | 60 |
13 | Sulphates, mg/dm3 | 139 |
14 | Hydrogencarbonates, mg/dm3 | 61.0 |
15 | Fluorides, mg/l | - |
16 | Phosphorus, mg/dm3 | - |
17 | Phosphates, mg/dm3 | - |
18 | Ammonium, mg/dm3 | - |
19 | Orthosilicic acid, mg/dm3 | - |
20 | Nitrates, mg/dm3 | - |
21 | Total Dissolved Salts, mg/dm3 | 391.5 |

Naizatapkan has been used as a natural healing resource since ancient times. This is confirmed by traces of stone fences surrounding this place from the penetration of cattle, wild animals and trespassers; ritual places that served as natural temples; rock paintings of the early Iron Age (1st millenium BC, the Saka era).
Religious rites of traditional medicine have been performed here from the earliest times. Touching the objects of pilgrimage, washing in their water and performing initiation rituals are often used as means of healing.
Due to the beneficial effects of minerals dissolved in the water of the Naizatapkan spring, local residents have always considered it sacred and used its water to treat diseases of stomach, joints, skin and other ailments.
The place is considered sacred and is steeped in many legends.
History has preserved some information about Saka (Scythian) medicine. The Sakas, like any other people, widely used plants (wormwood, licorice, aconite, etc.), as well as animal products (snake venom, fats, meat, animal brains). Bloodletting, treatment with kumiss and fresh milk were used. These methods have been preserved in folk medicine to this day.
Constant wars and battles, horseback riding developed the skills of traumatological treatment - applying bandages, treating wounds, simple operations. Intoxicating drinks, opium, marijuana and mandrake were used as painkillers.
It is obvious that many healing activities were carried out as part of the rituals of worshiping the gods, exorcising evil spirits, etc.
According to ancient and Persian sources, the Sakas, when setting up a bathhouse, covered a frame of poles with felt, then brought in a metal vat with hot stones. Before steaming, they rubbed pine needles and other aromatic plants on the stones. People in the hut not only sweated heavily, but also treated themselves by inhaling the fragrant healing steam.
Now, as the interest in the life of nomads and traditional health systems has increased, Saka baths are experiencing a rebirth in modern balneology in Kazakhstan.

The name "Naizatapkan" ("the place where the spear was found"), according to one version, comes from the fact that the spear was found in this place. Perhaps this is connected with the version that the warriors of the Kazakh Khan Salkam Zhangir, who fought with the Dzhungars, passed through these places and were treated here.
The Battle of Orbulak was a battle during the Kazakh-Dzhungar War, in which a troop of 600 Kazakh warriors led by Zhangir Khan, a 2,000-strong Kyrgyz army and a 20,000-strong Bukharan army under the command of Yalangtush Bahadur in 1643 defeated the Dzungar army of Erdeni-Batur.
Zhangir, fearing an open military clash of the Dzhungars with his army, consisting of only 600 warriors, placed part of his squad in a gorge between two mountains, having dug a deep ditch and surrounded it with a high rampart in advance. Half of the warriors organized field fortifications on the way, and the rest dispersed on the cliffs, thereby preparing an ambush for the Dzhungars. The Dzhungars, approaching the fortifications, attacked them. And at the very time when they were losing many people in the battle, in a very unfavorable place for a siege due to the narrow space, Zhangir rushed at them from the rear. The unexpectedness of the blow and the presence of firearms, with which they were all supplied, inflicted heavy losses on Erdeni-Batur.
At this time, the Kazakh ally Yalangtush Bahadur arrived with a Bukharan army of 20 thousand people and entered the rear of the Dhzungars. The Dzhungars, who did not expect such a turn of events, were upset, Erdeni-Batur preferred not to engage in further battle and was forced to retreat to Dzhungaria. The Dzhungars' plans to capture the south-east of Kazakhstan were thwarted. Time was gained for the Kazakhs to prepare for the further offensive of the Dzhungars in this region. Zhangir Khan demonstrated the effectiveness of the new combat tactics of volley fire from rifles by foot archers.
A memorial monument was erected at the site of the Battle of Orbulak on the Borokhudzir plateau in Dzhungarian Alatau.

Tour duration: 3-4 hours.
Distance: about 50 km drive and about 1 km walk if desired.
Car: Pinzgauer offroader (4-6 seats).
Tour price: KZT 80000.

This tour is classified as sacred tourism, so out of respect for this place we do not use quads or motorbikes.
It is also necessary to take into account that Muslims are advised to visit it at different times:
- men - from 8 am to 10 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm;
- women - from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm.
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